

When talking about packaging, it’s impossible not to take sustainability into account. DeeDee puts a strong focus on the constant improvement of sustainability of our products and processes. Not because we have to, but because we choose to. For a better environment now, but also to make a contribution to a habitable planet for future generations.

There are quite a few aspects of the pouch which already improve sustainability and reduce your carbon footprint, especially when compared to rigid packaging solutions.

  Pouches contain less material and less weight

Compared to rigid packaging solutions such as cans and pots, pouches can be produced with up to 80%* less material and there for have much less packaging weight. This doesn’t only result in less packaging waste to throw away after usage, it also means that less space is required for shipment. One carton can contain up to 2000* unfilled pouches and it takes significantly less trucks to transport a number of pouches compared to the trucks needed for an equal amount of cans and pots. Needless to say, this results in a decrease of CO2 emissions, which is better for our environment.
* Depending on size and thickness of the pouch

  Pouches can be made of 100% plastics

We have the technology to create barrier pouches fully consisting of plastics. This means the pouch will offer the protection (against water vapor or oxygen) your product needs, while being eligible to be deposited at a point plastic waste after usage (depending on the recycling program in your country, like 'Plastic Heroes' in the Netherlands). This means less waste for the end user to put in the bin and a chance on a second life for the used plastics.

  Pouches can greatly reduce food waste

At DeeDee, we dive deeply into the product you want to pouch, learn all about the ins & outs and choose the most suitable material and barrier carefully. With the right material and barrier, we can prevent the food from spoiling before the desired shelf-life and greatly reduce food waste. This is particularly valuable when one learns the impact food waste has on our world: a shocking 30% of all the food we produce goes to waste.

In addition, the size and lay-out of the pouch are very easy to adapt according to the amount of product your end user needs per moment of use. A pouch can be produced for a specific portion or can be made recloseable, so the end user can close the pouch after usage and doesn’t have to use all the product at once. This way we can prevent food from going to waste.

Pouches can be made out of renewable resources

While the majority of the plastics are still being produced out of fossil resources, more and more plastics are being made out of natural and renewable resources, such as corn starch and sugarcane. 

One of these biobased plastics is called PLA (polylactic acid) and is steadily being integrated into pouch laminates, as this new type of plastic offers the same characteristics as traditional plastics, but doesn’t use up our fossil resources. In addition, it’s not harmful to health and can be used for packaging according to the latest food safety regulations. Moreover, PLA is biodegradable, meaning it is capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms, preventing pollution. 

DeeDee is keeping a close eye on the development and application of PLA (and other bioplastics), to be able to offer you the most sustainable perfect pouch. Want to know more about our vision on sustainability? Feel free to contact us for more information!

What do we offer our clients?

    Pouch professionals with a smile
    We create and deliver the perfect pouch
    Perfect match with product and proces