

At DeeDee, we have a strong appetite for innovation in its widest sense. It makes us unbelievably happy if the unique pouch we have made together contributes a great deal to you, your company, your end user, the environment or the society. In terms of sustainability, supply chain optimization or end user convenience. There are many ways a pouch can be innovative, but one thing's for sure: it has to bring a certain value to you. After all, an innovation which doesn’t will most likely never leave the place in which it was conceived.

We are responsible for many innovative pouches, such as:

The UN-certified jerry can pouch

An strong, flexible pouch for moderate dangerous goods. Offers a significant cost reduction in transport and warehousing of empty pouches: 96% less volume compared to a rigid jerry can.

Microwaveable soup pouch

A pouch consisting of 100% plastics, with high barrier. Greatly increases user convenience: microwavable and equipped with cold spots for safe removal from the microwave. Eligible for the Plastic Heroes recycling program (for plastic waste).

Bean pouch

High barrier pouch for beans and bean dishes. The characteristics of the pouch enabled the customer to fill and process the beans with more efficiency and less moist. Combined with appealing designs and a high user convenience the introduction of the pouch resulted in a significant increase of revenue.

Stir fry sauce pouch

High barrier pouches for stir fry sauce with a beautiful and smart design. The pouch is produced with 80% less packaging material than stir fry sauce in a glass jar. In addition, a strong combination of clever artwork and material characteristics lead to a sustainable golden printing without the use of heavy metals.

Your innovative pouch

Looking for a unique an innovative packaging solution which offers high value in terms of supply chain efficiency, marketing, sustainability or user convenience? Take the first steps with us and your new pouch might be the next best thing for your business and your end user.

What do we offer our clients?

-->    Pouch professionals with a smile
    We create and deliver the perfect pouch
    Perfect match with product and proces